Super Succinct Steps

Nail the Pain! Fast!

  • Write down the monetizable pain hypothesis
  • Write down the big idea hypothesis
  • Test the hypothesis
    • Make a list of potential customers
    • Cold call or email them for an interview
    • Prepare interview guide
    • Capture & measure outreach and interview results
    • (Iterate)
  • Research
    • TAM, SAM, SOM
    • Market growth
    • Competition (make a matrix)
    • Relevant rules & regulations
    • Patterns & culture
    • Sales cycle
Nail the Solution! Also Fast!
  • Develop a minimum feature set
  • Develop a customer profile (buying panel)
  • Develop a virtual prototype
  • Test virtual prototype through phone and in-person interviews
    • Make list of people to contact
    • Call or email them
    • Prepare interview guide
    • Capture & measure results
    • (Iterate)
  • Develop a prototype
  • Test it
    • Make list of people to contact
    • Call or email them
    • Prepare interview guide
    • Capture & measure results
      • Refine the minimum feature set
    • (Iterate)
  • Develop a solution
  • Test it
    • Make list of people to contact
    • Call or email them
    • Prepare interview guide (including commitments to buy this time)
    • Capture & measure results
    • (Iterate)
Nail the Go-To-Market Strategy!

Not sure when
  • Smoke testing
  • Hassle testing (follow-up surveys)
  • Develop a credible company image